The Food and Drug Administration will hold a public meeting Nov. 27 to receive stakeholder input on the underlying systemic causes of drug shortages and recommendations to mitigate them. Topics will include the impact of drug shortages on patients, health care providers and the supply chain; how manufacturers monitor and respond to shortages; and what federal policies and strategies would reduce the likelihood, severity and duration of shortages. In its latest annual report to Congress on drug shortages, FDA identified 39 new drug and biological product shortages in 2017, up from 26 in 2016, and 41 ongoing shortages from prior years. Urged by members of Congress, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb recently convened an interagency task force to report to Congress on the root causes of drug shortages and recommend new federal authorities to address them. To register to attend the November meeting by webcast or in person, click here. Comments may be submitted through Jan. 11, 2019. 

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