Analysis Finds 30% of Care Could Be Delivered Virtually. What’s Your Next Move?

Analysis Finds 30% of Care Could Be Delivered Virtually. What’s Your Next Move? A mobile phone with the screen projecting an icon for a physician surrounded by six other health care icons.

For all its promise, virtual care has its limitations. Most times, patients still need to be seen in person. Questions remain, however: How much of care can be reasonably moved to a virtual setting? What will the balance between in-person and virtual care look like in the future? How will virtual-first or virtual-only care companies integrate with the physical care environment going forward?

In a recent analysis conducted by Second Opinion, a health-tech newsletter, and the digital health firm Omada found that about 30% of care can be delivered virtually. The conclusion was based on a review of more than 9,500 Category I CPT codes against a rubric of clinical feasibility for virtual care and other factors.

This 30% of care that can be virtualized keeps digital health companies humming. Many patients will self-select where virtual care makes more sense, the report notes, including musculoskeletal disorders, diabetes management and behavioral health. Others are consolidating to offer more comprehensive solutions that include bricks-and-mortar offerings and virtual options.

So, what should providers be focused on to optimize virtual care program designs? Here are some takeaways from the report:

  • Personalize care in a way that couldn’t be duplicated in an in-person setting. Done right, virtual care can feel like it was shaped for each patient.
  • Create better coordination among different types of caregivers. The best in-person providers locate specialties within their buildings. This approach can be even more powerful in a virtual setting.
  • Deliver more value per medical credential. By combining people and technology, a medical professional’s credential can have further reach and deliver greater value at a lower cost.

With your organization’s data, health care leaders can think more deeply about what future care can and should look like.

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