MasterCard, Verizon Make Initial Forays into Health Care

MasterCard, Verizon Make Initial Forays into Health Care. A patient users her mobile phone to access a telehealth app.Two familiar names to consumers, MasterCard and Verizon, have launched their first significant health care initiatives. MasterCard is partnering with b.well Connected Health to offer a digital solution that enables patients to verify their identity using a mobile phone.

The service provides patients with a biometric alternative to verify their identity in person or virtually using a combination of government-ID document scanning, facial biometrics with liveness detection and mobile phone intelligence.

Meanwhile, it may be a decade late, but wireless giant Verizon is entering the telehealth field with its BlueJeans videoconferencing platform acquired last year for about $500 million. Verizon reportedly has reworked the platform to provide a more streamlined and simpler installation and user experience. Offering single-click access to its platform on a mobile device or desktop, BlueJeans for telehealth doesn’t require any downloads and its landing page is customizable for providers, including patient onboarding, pre-visit medical surveys and educational materials.

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